The EGAAL (Ecologie, Geosciences, Agronomie, Alimentation) Doctoral School is a thematic and multidisciplinary doctoral school of the Université Bretagne Loire in Western France. It brings together earth sciences and trains doctoral school thus trains doctoral students developing research relating to agronomy, food sciences, plant and animal biology, ecology, the environment, evolutionary biology and Earth and Universe Sciences. It attracts the best possible students to carry out high-quality PhD research within its 11 schools and offers a wide range of skills and academic specialities as well as a solid interdisciplinary environment firmly linked to the socio-economic world. The Doctoral School aims to support and foster the success of the PhD students’ professional career providing them with the tools and resources for constructing an attractive professional project. Doctoral students are not only offered excellent technical training, flexible lab rotations, but extensive training and resources in complementary research skills.