What is REDI?
REDI (RMIT European Doctoral Innovators) is a unique PhD training program to prepare the leaders of tomorrow. REDI offers excellent conditions including international experience, top-class research discipline and transversal skills training as well as networking with academic and industry leaders from 60+ supporting partners.
Linking disciplines across the globe
REDI’s 40+ researchers will be based with academic and industry leaders across 10 countries, and part of a multidisciplinary community. Co-funded by the European Union, REDI will create new research and enterprise links between Australia and Europe and the 60+ partners into the future.

REDI for one-of-a-kind, international experience
Research partners
Researchers will be employed and supported by academic and industry leaders. All hosts will provide excellent working conditions, supervision and training, and 12 have already received the HR Excellence in Research Award (HRS4R).
Meet our supervisors
REDI researchers will have access to and support from at least two highest-calibre, experienced supervisors with high completion rates. Researchers and supervisors will be part of a dynamic, international and interdisciplinary landscape, well beyond the scope of traditional doctoral training programs
Industry collaborators
All REDI researchers will benefit from rich industry engagement through visits, access to facilities and data as well as more formal secondments, mentoring and training.