Maadh Hmosze

Maadh Hmosze, is a PhD candidate currently working at University of A Coruna (UDC) and RMIT University under the REDI program.

Maadh’s research project is focusing on Anomaly Detection in Multivariant time series data. He holds a B.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Kufa University, Iraq and a Master of Science from University of Colorado Colorado Springs, USA, focusing on machine learning and deep learning algorithms in time series data.

Maadh also has contributed to two peer reviewed papers during his work as an intern at Bently systems. Maadh is now working on developing more robust deep learning model to better represent and understand dynamic temporal and intrametric dependencies in timeseries data to report anomalous behaviour timely and accurately by using the recent advancement in knowledge the field of artificial intelligence.



University of A Coruña (UDC) / Navantia
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