Supervisors: Prof. Claus Emmelmann (TUHH), Dr. Ing. Dirk Herzog (TUHH) and Associate Prof. Andrey Molotnikov (RMIT), Distinguished Prof. Milan Brandt (RMIT)
Project 1: Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing
Multi-Material Additive Manufacturing could further enhance the design freedom in the future. Lately, AM technologies have evolved that can handle different materials at the same time, and thus enable design of parts using multiple materials.
Project 2: Topology Optimization for Multi-Material
Topology optimization is today widely used in lightweight design to re-design parts, which are later on manufactured using 3D printing technologies. With the proof-of-concept of multi-material 3D printing technologies, there is a potential to also adapt the design process. Thus, the goal of this project is to develop topology optimization algorithms that are capable to identify the best suitable material per location and include the choice in the further optimization.
Project 3: Benchmarking MEX/M and PBF-LB/M
MEX/M and PBF-LB/M are two Additive Manufacturing technologies capable of producing serial parts out of metals. Using specific machine modifications and set-ups, it is possible to manufacture multi-material parts from both technologies. The goal of this project is to identify suitable benchmark geometries and parts, and evaluate the performance of the technologies both for ‘conventional’ single-material applications as well as for multi-material applications.