José Manuel is a Spanish mechanical engineer with a master’s in material science & engineering with a research interest in additive manufacturing and its applications in the space sector. His Ph.D. research focuses on understanding the mechanisms and phenomena that take place in multi-material additive manufacturing (MMAM) for its future applications in the biomedical, aerospace, and energy sectors. This will be his fourth AM-based project after completing his master’s thesis on the use of Electron Beam Melting (EBM) for manufacturing bipolar plates for Hydrogen fuel cells, completing a bachelor thesis focused on the development of 3D printed nanocomposite for Tribo-corrosive applications and collaborating as CAD Lead in Hypernova Solar, the first 3D printed Solar-powered race car in Fairfax (VA).
He is Marie Skłodowska-Curie’s fellow under the REDI Program currently based in TUHH in Hamburg (Germany). His master’s thesis, which is framed under the Marie Curie grant #101023266, received funding from Comunidad de Madrid (Spain) ADITIMAT-CM program. He received the Undergraduate Research Scholars Program (URSP) for funding his Bachelor thesis at George Mason University (VA, US), where he received the 2020 GMU Audience favorite award.