Supervisors: Prof. Juha Väätänen and Prof. Anne-Laure Mention
Option 1 Environmental startup internationalisation
Project: Transition to a carbon-neutral world is one of the largest challenges for humankind. Environmental startups operate in the intersection of business and technology. To solve the global challenges they need to build capabilities and networks for international expansion. The aim of this project is to investigate which capabilities are critical factors for international expansion considering the uncertainty of new emerging technology markets.
Option 2 Environmental technology ecosystems
Project: Environmental technology startups operate in an uncertain world. To solve the global ecological challenges new technologies are desperately needed. However, uncertainty for winning technological solutions remains in addition to institutional uncertainties (legislation, norms, social acceptance etc.). The aim of this project is to investigate which are critical factors for creation of environmental technology ecosystems and how public sector could support this development.
Option 3 Global environmental business green taxonomy
Project: Sustainable businesses are developing continuously new environmental technology solutions. They would benefit enormously from global definitions or policies of green taxonomy. This remains a multi-level governance issue, which needs to be investigated and promoted. The aim of this project is to investigate from an environmental technology business perspective, the emergence of a green or ESG taxonomy and understand stakeholders involved.