Supervisors: Dr Daniel Maspoch (ICN2) and Prof. Leslie Yeo (RMIT)
Context: Reticular materials such as metal/covalent-organic frameworks (MOFs/COFs) are among the most promising materials today.
Option 1 Synthesis of new porous cages from MOFs/COF
Project: This project will entail the development of a new chemistry, called Clip-off Chemistry, to generate new molecules and materials by the programmed disassembly of reticular materials. Specifically, this project will focus on the synthesis of new porous discrete cages from 3-D MOFs/COFs using methodologies that will include solid/gas and liquid/gas (phonon-mediated) reactions.
Option 2 Synthesis of 2-D nanomaterials from MOFs/COFs
Project: This project will entail the development of a new chemistry, called Clip-off Chemistry, to generate new molecules and materials by the programmed disassembly of reticular materials. Specifically, this project will focus on the synthesis of new 2-D nanomaterials from 3-D MOFs/COFs using methodologies that will include solid/gas and liquid/gas (phonon-mediated) reactions.
Option 3 Porosity modulation in MOF/COFs by linker cleavage
Project: This project will entail the development of a new chemistry, called Clip-off Chemistry, to generate new molecules and materials by the programmed disassembly of reticular materials. Specifically, this project will focus on the modulation of the porosity in MOFs/COFs using methodologies that will include solid/gas and liquid/gas (phonon-mediated) reactions.