Supervisors: Prof. Henri Hakala (LUT) and Prof. Anne-Laure Mention (RMIT) with Industry Mentor Jonne Hellgren (Repack)
Option 1 Participation in circular economy platforms
Project: Circular Economy (CE) is changing the way value is created within and between industries. Participating in CE initiatives that challenge the established industry structures may be challenging and require unlearning from old-ways, nudging, incentives or legitimating actions to convince industrial partners and/or consumers to embrace the circular system. The aim of this project is to investigate the why, how and which factors support the participation in circular ecosystems and platforms.
Option 2 The Business of Sharing
Project: Mechanisms allowing the re-use or sharing of products or materials without a full recycling loop, such as deposit-based packaging systems, have already been implemented in many areas. These types of systems also hold a potential for broader application in the spirit of ‘sharing economy’ and resource efficiency. The aim of this project is to investigate why, how and under which conditions companies are willing to ‘share’ a resource, product or knowledge in order to achieve systemic benefits.
Option 3 Collaborating towards sustainability standards
Project: Systemic changes often require regulation and standards. The voluntary collaboration within industries for things such as Bluetooth and Wifi have brought together even competing companies. More recently, voluntary ‘green deals’ have been discussed as way forward in sustainability transitions. The aim of this project is to investigate how, why and under which conditions companies collaborate to create industry standards, for example for re-usable packaging.