5th Studio-DC1: Making Cities: Centres & Edges

Supervisors: Prof. Tom Holbrook (5th Studio) and Prof. Martyn Hook (RMIT)

Project 1: Ecological Urbanism

Research through design at the very large scale, addressing the challenges of climate change in the city. Deep contexts, ecologies – methodologies for documenting evolution of land uses and existing conditions. Estate retrofit. Conceptions of the 15-minute city, circular economy, social equity. Approaches to adaptive re-use, retrofit, co-production + community empowerment.


Project 2: A new Hansa

Exploring intra-national interplays between contemporary resonances of the old Hanseatic League of countries / city states around the North Sea. Exploring energy production, common conditions and environments, climate change adaptation and resilience, post-Brexit conditions and sociologies. Drawing on and building networks of city governance and practitioners: Amsterdam, Hamburg, Malmo, Copenhagen, Oslo. Rural/urban relationships – landscape re-wilding and repair.


Project 3: Urban Logistics

Exploring emerging thinking on logistics within the city, including food /just-in-time relationships, new markets, distribution of building materials, waste and the circular economy. Exploration of different modes including water, rail, new transport, Consolidation within cities; future of work. Emerging architectural hybrids that draw on co-location and intensification; new typologies and urban Impacts; social aspects. Economic and historical survey of precedents.


5th Studio-DC1

Research Areas

Architecture, Urban Design, Communication Design, Economics & Finance, Landscape Architecture, Sustainability & Urban Planning

Research Host

5th Studio

PhD awarding institution/s

RMIT University


United Kingdom


Closed Position

RMIT University

Other Positions


Prof. Mikko Pynnönen (LUT) and Prof. Anne-Laure Mention (RMIT) Juha Kauppinen (Mikkeli Development, Miksei Ltd)

PhD awarding institution/s

Lappeenranta – Lahti University of Technology (LUT) & RMIT University




Closed Position


Dr. Malte Wagenfeld and Prof. Regina Bernhaupt

PhD awarding institution/s

Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), Netherlands and RMIT University, Australia




Closed Position


Dr. Carmen Mendoza Arroyo, Prof. Esther Charlesworth and Dr. Apen Ruiz Martinez (Project 1)

PhD awarding institution/s

Universitat Internacional de Catalunya (UIC) and RMIT University




Closed Position

RMIT and many of the REDI partners are HSR4R certified

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 101034328.

Results reflect the author’s view only. The European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains