Project 1: Innovative Multifunctional Aerospace structures
The aircraft electrification presents the need to store electricity coupled with a low aircraft weight. Promising approach is certainly multifunctional structures combining structural and electrical functions. Main topics: Analysis of different multifunctional structures configurations at different integration levels; Perform coupled structural and electrochemical numerical analyzes; experimental tests to validate the numerical models are welcomed but not mandatory.
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Enrico Cestino (POLITO), Assoc. Prof. Giacomo Frulla (POLITO), Prof. Pier Marzocca (RMIT), Prof. Adrian Orifici (RMIT)
Project 2: Aeroelastic response of very light aircrafts
New low weight aircraft configurations exhibit aeroelastic instabilities due increased flexibility. Aeroelastic tailoring is a fundamental tool to cope with safety requirements. Multidisciplinary approach including theoretical, computational, and experimental studies is necessary. Potential topics are: New design concepts for future aircrafts; Advanced numerical model development for aero-structural analyses and process simulation; Uncertainty in composite structures; experimental tests.
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Enrico Cestino (POLITO), Assoc. Prof. Giacomo Frulla (POLITO),Prof. Pier Marzocca (RMIT), Assistant Prof. Vincenzo Muscarello (RMIT)
Project 3: Impact absorbing structures design
Impact damage poses a serious threat to the safety of aircraft containing primary structure made from fibre composite material. Promising configurations are structure with high-energy absorbing capacity and passive/active damping performance like origami-based morphing structures or innovative sandwich design. Vulnerability, durability and reliability of such advanced structures and subsequent implications for aircraft safety and operational availability are the main topics.
Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Enrico Cestino (POLITO), Assoc. Prof. Giacomo Frulla (POLITO), Prof. Pier Marzocca (RMIT), Dr. Jonathan Phuong Tran (RMIT).