Supervisors: Dr. Nardine Osman and Prof. John Thangarajah, and A/Prof. Julie Porteous (RMIT)
Project 1: Automated extraction of Online Community Norms
Contribute to the safety of emergent online communities by providing automated methods for identifying and preventing agents from contravening community guidelines (aka standards, rules). The project will investigate AI techniques in the area of autonomous multi agent systems such as AI Planning, Conversational agents, Goal based reasoning and Normative reasoning in agent societies.
Project 2: Detecting Violations of Online Community Norms
Contribute to the safety of emergent online communities by providing automated methods for identifying and preventing agents from contravening community guidelines (aka standards, rules). The project will investigate AI techniques in the area of autonomous multi agent systems to Develop automated methods to derive “opposite actions” that constitute violations of community guidelines i.e., represent the behaviours of malicious agents.
Project 3: Detecting bullying behaviours in Online Communities
Contribute to the safety of emergent online communities by providing automated methods for identifying and preventing agents from contravening community guidelines (aka standards, rules). The project will investigate AI techniques in the area of autonomous multi agent systems to investigate and develop techniques to predict “bullying” behaviours from conversation threads and generate counter strategies to prevent such behaviours in online communities.