Ahmed Halkoum

Ahmed is an experienced metallurgist and materials engineer who is currently developing new additively manufactured high entropy alloys that will serve in many fields like aerospace, energy or even luxury […]
Abid Ullah

Abid Ullah, is a researcher and engineer specializing in Mechanical Engineering, with a primary focus on materials manufacturing processes. He works on a Marie Skodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) funded project as […]
Abdul Wahab

Abdul Wahab is pursuing his PhD. in Mechanical, Manufacturing and Mechatronic Engineering at RMIT, Australia in cooperation with FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany. His areas of research are […]
Charu Negi

Charu is a research enthusiast with a strong interest in interdisciplinary research. Born in the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand in India, she has always found nature and the mountains as […]
José Manuel Crego Lozares

José Manuel is a Spanish mechanical engineer with a master’s in material science & engineering with a research interest in additive manufacturing and its applications in the space sector. His […]
Ridhima Kaul

Ridhima is a first year Phd student in Aerospace Engineering at FH Aachen and RMIT University. She did her Master in Aerospace Engineering with specialisation in Propulsion from Ecole Centrale […]
Aezid Ul Hassan Najmi

Aezid is a doctoral student in DR216 – Mechanical, Manufacturing, and Mechatronic Engineering PhD program in the School of Engineering, RMIT University, Australia. He is also working as Research Associate […]